Advanced debugging techniques


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Anonymous at 17:00 on 16 May 2015

Very nice

Anonymous at 20:01 on 16 May 2015

Good review of the toolbox. I would add profiling and kcachegrind to the mix, since that is not always known to beginers, IMO. Also, Blackfire maybe?

Good one! The speaker made the most out of the short time available, starting with funny (and useful) generic tips, and then providing a few killer tips.
Work a bit on the english pronounce and it will be perfect :-)

Useful and interesting, I learned a lot; Patrick's pronunciation sometimes sounded a bit odd but nothing "talk-breaking".

+1 for pronunciation.

very quick "runthrough"

@grr1 30 minutes for debugging is super short, hence while I didn't want to introduce too much of profiling which isn't strictly "debugging". Otherwise I would have talked about and how it helps monitoring performance issue ;-)

@Francesco Abeni, Matteo Guindani, SvarunRaj
I will try to improve my English pronunciation, but note that I never had any English course ever (that certainly doesn't help) but I am willing to improve myself, so any tips or tricks is welcomed! Sorry for that.

Good overview of alternative debug options. Many will also be useful with other programming languages. A bit limited by the 30 minutes time slot, but gave me some hints on where to start.

Again nice overview of less known features.

One of the best talks I attended.

Great coverage of some debugging tools, as well as some live demos. Good one!

Great and interesting talk. I've really liked speakers demos.

good enumeration of tools for debugging (PHP) processes. missing gdb and valgrind. Next time, with much more time, would be nice see a real case study. thx, nice talk and new argument for phpday

Great. I think that I will never use this kind of deep debugging techniques but I enjoyed this talk.

Nice overview, learned some new cool tools