An introduction to Phing the PHP build system


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Nice introduction to Phing, but for me as an Ant user there was very little new information. I'm still convinced I need to dive into migrating to Phing

Very informative introduction to Phing.

a clear, comprehensive introduction to phing.

The best talk, imho, for these 2 days. Great presenter, nice talk, clear, to the point, nice explanations. +infinity points for having a backup plan for the demos. Loved that the talk included stuff from the presenter's real life projects.

Good introduction into Phing

P.S. speaker should think about preparing Phing & unit tests for the code runned in the session so he would be sure that examples would work :)

Anonymous at 19:46 on 21 May 2012

Simple great!

Great presenter, good talk, excellent topic, used real life projects, had a backup prepared if the live demo failed.
Not enough superlatives to describe it properly