Usability for Developers


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Good talk, easy and fun listening, not all new for me but had some good tips.

Very easygoing talk. Ideal to get a new conf day starting.

In general good, but I would like to have more visual examples. And maybe not just 'this is good', 'this is bad', but take bad and show how you would change it (to ilustrate how couple small changes can have dramatic effect on usability).

Great talk, very entertaining and a good refresher not to forget about the users.

Very entertaining talk, ideal to start the day. Those attending will probably have no problem remembering your "Don't make it look like a unicorn puked all over your website." :p.

Great talk to start the day. Nothing really new in there but always good to be reminded about these things :)

Thank you for the talk! Liked it! I will send you an email later this week about starting up a UG in my area...

Learned nothing new here but that's probably because my ex-employer hammered on usability of our end product so much.
Nicely brought though and perhaps much needed talk for some devs ;-)

Very good talk, with interesting examples. Would love to see a bit more of examples and fixing bad sites to wrap up the theory. Especially some examples of better websites which still fail in some areas, not just the really bad sites.

Good talk, covered a lot of points, good examples too. I do think that criticising the Facebook and Google pages was not valid; even if you were right in theory, they have proven their efficacy in practise (as we heard from Scott :) )

It was a pleasure to listen.

Really good talk, very comprehensible and any presentation mentioning Unicorn puke ought to be good!
The example of the prefilled country dropdown (choose a country) was very interesting, never thought about it that way.

Anonymous at 15:29 on 1 Feb 2013

While the talk wasn't new to those working as frontend designers, it definitely was a welcome change in between the technical PHP sessions. Elizabeth is a pleasure to listen to and her presentation style is great. I would go to one of her talks again for sure.

Anonymous at 15:29 on 1 Feb 2013

While the talk wasn't new to those working as frontend designers, it definitely was a welcome change in between the technical PHP sessions. Elizabeth is a pleasure to listen to and her presentation style is great. I would go to one of her talks again for sure.