One of the most challenging problems of developing business-oriented software is mis-communication. A disconnect between the business itself and the actual developers. Misunderstandings can be costly. Delivering the wrong thing following months of development can be devastating.

How do we make sure we are building precisely what the business requires? How can we avoid wasting time building more than is needed (a.k.a gold plating). And finally, How can working from real examples of how a system should work can drive code that fulfils the real needs of the client. We need a more "business-aware" form of coding.

Following BDD principles, starting from high-level scenarios, that broadly drive the application, down to specifications that drive the code, I will show how we can write software guided by examples; Examples which are derived from the very requirements of the business.


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A bit bit hard to follow because the speakers pauzes a lot, not really speaks fluently.
In my opinion the presented method is not so usable in a real company.

Petar Petrov at 16:32 on 8 Jun 2018

It is definitely usable if you have a good managment connection with the business that is able to deliver the business examples.

Good insight into how to use examples properly, and the value of gherkin/cucumber tests for the business. The speaker wasn’t the most engaging but the subject matter was interesting enough for me to stay with it.

Frank van Hest at 21:51 on 9 Jun 2018

The subject was a nice example on how it should be everywhere, but in real life it is hard to include everyone in a project to make this a success.
Still an good talk

Onno Marsman at 13:32 on 11 Jun 2018

Very interesting, and I liked a lot that the focus was on the process of BDD instead of just the tools, as in so many other blog posts or talks.
It was a bit hard to follow because some words did not come out fluently and the speaker seemed out of breath for the duration of the talk.

Speaker was a bit hard to follow due to way of speaking. Doing more talks will probably improve this. Don't stop giving talks.

Examples given made it more difficult to understand. Didn't help the distances weren't realistic. Pick some known locations in the centre of amsterdam: "centraal station", "rijksmuseum", "wallen" (could be a joke in there).

Try adding some information on how the examples can be converted to behat and used to actually run tests.

Topic is a bit hard to talk, as everyone would want to do it, but it takes a lot of effort initially and everybody needs to be on board.