Talk in English - UK at 4Developers
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Podróż w krainę Continuous Integration
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Really nice introduction into continuous integration - tough subject - everyone knows that it exists but just couple use it.
najbardziej obsysający punkt programu. autopromocja w mdłym stylu.
The first minutes of presentation I can summarize as: "Ymmmmm, ...., Ymmmm ';) - Sebastian seemed to be a bit stressed out, which could be heard in his voice. However, after a few minutes, Sebastian calmed down and led a really good presentation about introducing CI in his company - based on their own experience and tools used. So he mentioned SimpleTest, PHPUnit, phpUnderControl, PHP_CodeSniffer, Depend PHP, PHP Mess Detector, Sellenium, Hudson / Jenkins and Sonar - variety of tools, whose use leads to write better code.
Sebastian drew attention to such things as: identification of a single coding style and stick to it consistently (e.g. - if the code does not meet standards, it is moved back to the developer for the fixes), or about how much programming in pairs gives you, even if it takes 30 minutes per day.
In conclusion - successful presentation - gave me motivation to try the CI within your own team:)