The journey to Cloud-Native application is a great but winding road! Especially in medium and big-sized companies where some applications are moving from traditional architecture to microservices, the effort in terms of technologies, people, and organization could be very high and sometimes it discourages the change to new development models and platforms. The CI/CD automation and all the DevOps tools are the keys to addressing this change and overcoming the development break-even point between the increase of application production and development that respect security, compliance, best practices,... As InfoCert we implemented a set of automation tools able to give every developer and Operator the ability to choose the proper environment and infrastructures elements without waiting for approval processes and keeping security and governance. So, in this session, I’ll show how we're handling the application deployment to Kubernetes clusters and how we’re improving code production using Visual Studio Devcontainer, and implementing a NoOPS pipeline able to test and release applications based on microservices or serverless functions.


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Great talk, very interesting way of approaching a very complex argument, both from the technical, the cultural and the organizational point of view.