Hello, PSR-7.


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Alessandro Lai at 11:50 on 16 May 2015

Interesting, fresh argument

Great overview from someone who knows the subject inside out

Anonymous at 19:47 on 16 May 2015

This is what exactly what I wished to know about the subject, which is the buzzword of the moment.

PSR-7 for the win!

Nice talk and good work on psr-7.

Anonymous at 00:44 on 17 May 2015

Not quite sure how Beau did it but he made a presentation on the HTTP Message Interface interesting!

Very good overview of how much work (and politics) are behind an open source standard proposal and a good introduction to the proposal itself.

Very good overview of PSR-7 and also contained the interesting history.

Everything you need to know about PHP7 was in this talk, a great one.

nothing more of the presentation of PSR7 itself

Great topic, great examples, great story.

What was a negative was a flat line tonality of the speaker. If I was not so interested in this topic I could sleep while he was talking.

This was so hot topic, and so great and important for PHP but a speaker was a bit warmish.