What mom never told you about Bundle configurations


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Anonymous at 11:29 on 27 Sep 2012

Really nice talk. Thanks for the tricks ;)

Very good info about config validation.

The end of your talk goes into how to properly decouple your services from the container. Some developers may be doing this, some already decouple their services, while others may not know what you're talking about. I think your talk would benefit from showing an example of a tightly coupled service to the container, then how you progress through refactoring it out. It might take 10 minutes to walk through it, and why it's bad, but could really round out the talk.

Good points! This is something that rarely gets enough attention, but the point is true - configuration often explodes in size and does not scale well. Take the time to refine and organize your configuration and your code will be much healthier for it!

Anonymous at 11:37 on 27 Sep 2012

+1 for John's suggestion.

Good talk, however I would have liked to see more examples of config validation.

I think this was a really great introduction to adding basic bundle configuration. I could have used this a few months ago. :)

Would love to have heard more about how these complex config validations affect performance. And where caching configs fits in.

Also I would have liked to hear more about how you can use the stand-alone Config component.