•We talk about protecting data. •We talk about outside forces seeking to obtain our data by unconventional means. •I will speak about PROTECTING or DATA that is stolen from trusted individuals within. MY PRESENTATION WILL ENGAGE THE AUDIENCE: We will focus on their psychological motivations, to identify the emotional precursors. Combining open-discussions, media, and PowerPoints, to illustrate, cultural adaptation, borderline personality disorder, psychological autopsy, precursors to ESPIONAGE, and SPYING. The presentation will give participants innovative insights to conduct psychological field profile/assessments and verify potential risk factors. This presentation will outline the mental aspects regarding a Data Breaching and possible prevention Data Loss. Furthermore, this presentation will demonstrate that with the proper preparation, one can evaluate an individual whose psychological profile dictates that they retain the potential to perform CORPORATE ESPIONAGE. One of the most severe threats facing our Businesses and Corporations is the threat of a DATA BREACH. Regardless of the motivation, nature of their associated tactics, techniques, and procedures; the breach in DATA pose a stiff challenge to the existence of your organizations future. The persistent nature of this threat and the expectation that it will continue to rank as the most likely scenario; Board executives and administrators will need to contend with soon. The goal of my presentation is to inform Executives/Administrators key signs to help reduce/prevent DATA loss using corporate espionage and theft. My workshop will contain two main sections: •The first section will discuss the PSYCHOLOGY of spy/thief, •The second section will deal with the process of identifying individuals who seek to harm the company. The first section will cover a brief history of CORPORATE ESPIONAGE and incidents involving same. The psychological concepts behind DATA BREACHES (within) and CORPORATE will be discussed thoroughly. For this segment, I will be utilizing role-playing scenarios to introduce to the PARTICIPANTS how “everyday people skills” can be used to conduct a Criminal/Psychological profile to aid in determining potential corporate spies/thieves. That said, executives should safeguard administrative tools for their company to complement its data security effectively. The Board of directors and its administration treat the protection of their data to warrant the risk of a breach of data, and this includes PERSONNEL. In today's world of CYBER-RISK and CYBER-SECURITY, we sometimes forget about the individuals, or dare I say SUSPECTS behind the BREACH, ATTACH or THEFT. We neglect these individuals until it is too late, and the damage has been done. Individuals such as: EDWARD J. SNOWDEN The media hails him as a “whistleblower,” but MR. SNOWDEN stole DATA belonging to the NSA and disseminated said data to individuals with unauthorized access. •William Binney (NSA) •Jose Ignacio Lopez (GM) Chief of productions accused of corporate espionage. •Steven Louis Davis (Gillette) Pled guilty to theft of trade secrets •Patricia Dunn (Hewlett-Packard) Involved in a spying scandal •Ross Klein and Amar Lalvani (Starwood Hotels) downloaded confidential Starwood information to use later at Hilton. This second section will focus more on people reading skills and identifying micro-expressions. This segment of the workshop will help the PARTICIPANTS identify the traits, behaviors, and body language of individuals. The conclusion at the end the second section will consist of a hands-on practice session: I will ask PARTICIPANTS to apply what they have learned by identifying potential RISKS by profiling random social media accounts of individual, based on photographs, social media postings, likes, friends, and so forth. • Note: not only have past participants found this method fun, but they have also found it to be reliable and proven reliable. I utilize this method throughout my profiles of gang members, narcotics traffickers, white-collar criminals and more. The protection of a company's data is not just an issue for the IT department. Data security is a crucial element of a corporation's security mainframe, necessitating executive surveillance. The breach of data has immediate licit consequences, which executives must comprehend. The topic of data security must be addressed in every board meeting and said boards should be equipped with the tools to obtain proficiency, which will allow them to encounter with matters surrounding data security. MY PRESENTATION WILL ENGAGE THE AUDIENCE: Therefore, for this workshop, we will combine open-discussions, media, and PowerPoints, to illustrate, cultural adaptation, borderline personality disorder, psychological autopsy, precursors to ESPIONAGE, and SPYING. The presentation is fun, excite, informative and addictive. Further, the presentation is lengthy (but not dry nor ever dull), it averages about 1.5 hours. However, it can be condensed to approximately 45 minutes. What I would do (and this involves summarizing all my lectures/presentations) is to reduce my open discussions (Q&A from the audience) and limit my role-playing scenarios. However, the role-play segment gets the attendees involved and some even attempt to test their new-found aptitudes soon after. For example, some would attempt to use said skills while at dinner, lounge, and so forth. However, it can be reduced to one or two “mock-type scenarios.” This segment is vital because it proves sound regarding the utilization of one’s everyday skills to psychologically profile. I have used this method in the past regarding COLD HOMICIDE CASES, PREPARATIONS before INTERVIEWING SUSPECTS and PROFILING current cases. This lecture/presentation will conform to discussions regarding cyber-attacks/incidents and will entail the psychological unmasking of individuals behind the attacks. For example; a car thief would look at the vulnerability of the anti-theft system protecting a vehicle. However, how does that thief know what weaknesses to look for, the same goes for The necessity for societal psychosomatic tactics is also suggested by the fact that significant cybersecurity episodes from motivations as wide-ranging as monetary profit and radical/philosophical dissent. These are frequently initiated by cliques, as opposed to a single person acting by him/herself. My goal is to offer attendees additional preventive measures by exposing abilities they have within, the purpose of this segment is to make individuals aware of influences that they have, using one's observational skills to detect the behavior of potential attackers. Key takeaways from the: Performing assessments on a psychological and cybersecurity platform Enhanced abilities to evaluate security efficiency within his/her organizational structure Authentic mock scenarios regarding attack vectors and how to respond or set up a novel response system in response to same (this method is formatted to my active shooter drill, it pertains to the aftermath and the preparation to make a quick recovery and training for the aftershock)


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Eric Mann at 17:34 on 15 Nov 2018

Great content. A bit too heavy on personal anecdotes and side conversations. The talk went drastically over time, but even the skipped slides looked to have fantastic content. Would love to see a more rehearsed rendition or just giving the talk more than 50 minutes.

Good audience, who was very patient and allowed conversation.