Most of the time you’ll work in teams, but sometimes teammates don’t understand each other. Working on a piece of software becomes a drag. So why does this happen? Can you prevent this from happening?

During this talk we’ll introduce The Attitude Model. This model helps us to improve teamwork. It explains and predicts how teams argue, cooperate and excel. It helps us to understand what individuals need from their team and what they bring to the table. The Attitude Model allows us to move from storming to performing.

With The Attitude Model by your side you and your team will have fewer conflicts, work together more smoothly and have better meetings. You will have tools to divide your software design approach. So come join me in my journey on how I became the world champion with my team (and clients).


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Rob Wilson at 16:56 on 6 Oct 2018

Joop is very accurate in what he said, and the way of working with mob programming is a great thing to do, and in 25minute intervals. I definitely was divergent, but now more convergent due to experience

Ken Guest at 17:03 on 6 Oct 2018

a little hand wavey as it's a people / management thing but very thought provoking and mind opening too in relation to team member interactions.

Jordan Beattie at 17:19 on 7 Oct 2018

Fantastic introduction to The Attitude Model. Will certainly be taking his advice for how to work with both types of attitudes. He was also great during the Q&A and sharing his experience.

Matt Brunt at 20:48 on 7 Oct 2018

I saw so much of myself and my team in the model described in this talk. It was really eye opening to some of the things I've been dealing with.

Great tips and pointers on how to get different people working together.

With Joop being a divergent type of developer, it did feel biased at times with the convergent type often seeming to be put down a little.

Severin Bruhat at 14:53 on 8 Oct 2018

Great talk, I'lll ask these 5 questions to my team, so I can properly identify each profile