This prototype works, but it’s not pretty, and now it’s in production. That legacy application really needs some TLC. Where do we start? When creating long lived applications, it’s imperative to focus on good practices. The solution is to improve the whole development life cycle; from planning, better coding and testing, to automation, peer review and more. In this talk, we’ll take a quick look into each of these areas, looking at how we can make positive, actionable change in our workflow.


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@devs... make sure to bring your boss to this talk :p

Ike Devolder at 09:08 on 28 Jan 2018

Great, with nice references to situations everyone recognizes why we slack on testing. Thanks for reminding us to do better to become better. You obviously know how to deliver this.

Mariusz Gil at 13:26 on 28 Jan 2018

Good stuff, James :) I used to use Humbug for mutation testing, but the Infection library seems to very interesting. I'm going to use it this week ;) Thanks for that!

Robert Broen at 17:43 on 28 Jan 2018

Good talk.
You mentioned naming variables based on intent. It feels like you were telling us to code with the right intentions too, sound advise.

Miro Svrtan at 22:36 on 28 Jan 2018

I have been thinking of doing a talk on exactly this subject and was in 'deja vu' during the whole talk: James nailed all of the topics just right.

I do have some suggestions:

1) Testing was used too broadly: as a replacement for 'automated testing' or 'writing tests' forgetting that developers do manual testing
2) I liked the suggestion of not using Behat to catch stuff by div-id but I would actually suggest people to first start using it just like that: people not familiar with automated testing might find behat/gherkin/selenium very very frightening, trying to get them to write `business like` scenarios could be too much for the 1st step
3) Better interaction with the audience: not that the interaction was bad, it was good but I would really love to see this talk in a keynote format


Awesome very needed talk, we need more talks like this one. I am working with legacy applications and use simillar techniques in daily work, but I needed to found out and learn such aproaches myself - such talk would help me a lot a few years ago.

And i catched elephpant at the end so... the best talk of the conference for me ;)

Jasper Kennis at 15:03 on 29 Jan 2018

A general overview of how a project should be done. I'm sure James has a lot of expert knowledge to share but I didn't learn anything here, disappointing.

It was a talk I wanted to hear for a long time! Everything that is needed to craft quality applications is put in there. One standout - testing section was perhaps a tad too long and detailed comparing to all other ones. Perhaps having time for questions or better yet - a small sharing session would be also very interesting in the end of the talk.

Great talk! Nice examples about how to improve our software quality. Kudos to the mention of mutation test framework!