HTTP Is Dead. Long Live HTTP/2!


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Animal! Ouvir detalhes sobre o HTTP2 e como tudo evoluiu no HTTP1, melhor ainda em saber que já existe conversa sobre HTTP3.

A really interesting walking trough the history of HTTP implementation from the early 0.9 version up to what are in the drafts for upcoming updates in the specifications. Didactic, interesting and even funny talk. Pretty inspirational on researching more on the subject to benefit from the updates and what PHP can offer to cope with the changes.

Uma aula sobre as mudanças! Demais!

Pros: Tiger was present.

Cons: There can't be any, so I'll take the con section to talk about pros too. =) Excellent speech, within a very short time managed to cover many subjects related to HTTP to HTTP/2 history, walking attendees through RFC, implementation specifics and also very funny.
Unfortunately, my question couldn't be answered due to the intrinsics nature of what I asked, demanding extensively knowledge of low level implementation of protocol... still waiting for an answer through to be sent offline! =)