You might have heard of Domain Driven Design. You may have heard DDD is a tool to write readable and change-ready code. You may have even heard DDD comes with a lot of talking, and modeling, and customers…

Starting with DDD sounds big, and scary, doesn’t it?

But getting started is not scary! Come to find out what DDD can do for your code, tomorrow. We’ll use value objects, entities and services to bring order to our mind and code. We’ll see how naming things can guide us, but also trick us. We’ll rework a piece of code together and improve what it means. And tomorrow you can tell your peers that, technically, you’re doing DDD.


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Great lecture enjoyed it

Great speach.

Nikola Poša at 20:32 on 2 Dec 2018

A well-conceived talk with a content that is an ideal balance of theory and very useful and relevant practical examples that explains Domain-driven design essence in a clear way. Speaker confident on the stage and managed to keep the attention of the audience throughout the talk in a convincing and amusing way.

Great talk, presented in a very engaging and relevant way. Examples were spot-on, wish I had seen this talk 3 years ago! Most BDD/DDD talks don't go into small actionable examples like this one, it was great. No questions after the talk, in reality it was very clear, not much to add. Would like to hear more from the speaker.