Talk in English - US at php[world] 2015
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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Composer
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Fine introduction, would have liked to see an example of bridging a puli library to a framework.
The idea is great. However, at this point it still won't be practical, I suspect, for most agencies to build/test their packages across multiple platforms. It ended up being a plug for Puli, which is great in itself, but I would have liked to see it be more practical. Perhaps it is just because Puli is too young? I think it would have been good with more general, practical, how-to-code with a more global perspective and then reference to Puli some. Just my thoughts.
Clearly a passion for the speaker - and a somewhat noble one - but the content seemed repetitive as if more of pleading than informing. I would have liked to have gotten more information on implementations (like Symfony's puli bundle/bridge) and how to help get other frameworks involved given the audience here. Otherwise feel like the efforts should be more focused to PSR work.
Excellent talk! The topic isn't really ready for code examples yet - it's definitely a conversation the community needs to have first. I hope to see more talks about this subject in 2016 as it evolves.
An interesting introduction to Puli and I'm excited to see where the project goes. I was a misled by the title though; I thought it would be an introduction or a "guide" for creating and using packages with Composer, aimed at folks using older practices to manage dependencies...