Talk in English - US at jsDay 2017
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Chatbots and conversational agents have become very popular in the recent years and there is a huge research effort to automate conversations in several applications.
What are Chatbots? How can it benefit you? How do you write the code for it?
These questions will be answered during the session with step by step directions using node.js so you can easily follow along.
Come join me and build your first Hello World Chatbot!
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20 min intro of useless who am i, and then very bad slides basically promoting Cisco and reading the intro tutorial. Sound more like publicity rather than a talk
Quite boring. Seems a step by step tutorial I can read by myself with same result.
I expected a more generic talk about chatbots, not about a specific platform
Good talk!... maybe some more code would be nice...
I might appreciate the effort in public speaking but I can't say this talk gave me something for my professional growth.
I don't think it had the right approach to promote a company, a tool or to attract my interest.
It was basically a step by step guide on how to follow a registration / starting tutorial. It didn't add any value to the slides or to the project. It wasn't a terrible talk but maybe this was the wrong place for this talk
Wrong approach to a talk on this kind of conference
A useless talk about a specific platform. I expected a generic talk about chatbots and more code.
A bit basic in content, but I felt your passion for the community.
I was very relaxed at the end because of your voice, maybe more pace would have been better for a talk :) cheers!
This wasn't the talk I expected to attend.
I thought i would play with chat bots, not a marketing talk
maybe with more code and live demos could be a better talk
From an honest opinion, I felt this talk could have been better suited as a live code-along. Also I wished the presenter did not spend so much time talking about her company and herself.
It felt very much like a talk about Cisco than building chatbots.
It was a marketing talk about tools, not very technical or inspirational
The hard part about a chatbot is not how to interface with a webhook but the actual algorithm that makes the bot *smart*, and this is what I was expecting.
Unfortunately this talk was limited to the bot setup (the bot itself was trivial), and even that was limited to the chat service of a single provider (Cisco Spark).
This should have been stated in the talk description.
I expected much more from a experienced speaker that said "I'm not doing marketing for the company I'm working for as a dev advocate" and then 5 minutes later spending way too much time on their own products.
I didnt stay up to the end so cant comment on the bot itself but spending 15-20 minutes on 'who am I' and listing 3 tools needed to set up was just too much for me.
The addition of snippets, samples and a run-on-the-fly could help a lot, anyway, interesting