The Future of PHP in the Cloud


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Very good talk about the future of PHP in the cloud AND mobile world!! Andi showed to all how Zend Server and Zend Studio are facilitating PHP penetration in this two worlds!

I'd rather like a lecture on how they used Apache Cordova (former Phone Gap) in Zend Studio, how we can create our own cloud and make it communicate to Zend Server (using the APIs).

But the talk has achieved its purpose: show at what level is the two tools and how great PHP is becoming. And, FINALLY, a saw a Andi Gutmans talk! Fantastic!!!

It was great to know a little bit more about Zend Server and all the integration Zend Studio can give us.

Anonymous at 13:57 on 4 Dec 2012

Very good Talk about Zend Products and it's usage on Cloud and mobile Development.