What did you like about this event, and what do you think could be better for the next time? Leave your feedback to help the organizers know what you liked, and what could be improved on.


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First day:
I loved how when I got to the place there was signs so that I could not get lost, when I entered there was registration and notebook style badges. The badges was a GREAT idea, people can write anything they want on it, I could add my nickname, and others could add their twitterhandles etc. I LOVED this. As for the venue this was also a great room with the desks and schoolstyle formation and the food in the room next to it, not having to walk very far for food is always a good thing, right? The fact that the venue also had an awesome location for the social was bonuspoints for sure :D

Lunch was also awesome with sandwhiches that people could put together themselves, then they can really choose what they want, and the bread was REALLY fresh and juicy as well.

Great talks and content as well.

First day social:
YAY! Open bar, small balls, great people, can it get better? Nope! Great choice of location and things to do. Duckpin bowling was an open change to normal bowling. :)

Second day:
This really was awesome with an entire day for just... life. Every developer has a life next to their code and the talks chosen on this day was carefully picked out and it really helped a lot of people in the room to reflect about their lives, deal with their bosses, clients, friends, career etc.

Other pointers:
I missed a proper ending and closing keynote, even though the last talk was great it felt like it was not a closing keynore that I've grown used to and loving on conferences :)

All in all: Awesome conference, it was well worth the travel! I met so many amazing people.