Talk comments

Thanks for your Talk
As being involved in the design of a Platform fo DigiHu (CorTexT platform) , I do agree with the general scope you delivered.
Nevertheless I would like to know a little bit more about the Digital aspect of your projet since you have meuch more developped the "humanistic" concerns: what kind of infrastructure? What organizational patterns of collaboration ? etc.
thanks for your answer

You think the idea of digital humanities will open up new research methods?

Here ist the Link:

Anonymous at 14:38 on 19 Oct 2012

Thank you so much for this very interesting analysis of displacement dynamics! I was wondering whether you see a common logic or dynamic in the displacements you have described? For example, if they are developments, does this imply things are getting 'better'? And if yes, in what sense?
Katharina Kinder (who forgot her password at home)

Where did you get that cool picture on your last slide from?

Anonymous at 11:41 on 19 Oct 2012

this kind of reminds me of Mark Silvers ideas on the consequences of system development. He has in my opinion a limited system perspective, and I find this similar. I think it must depend on the extant of the IT/IS changes, and more importantly what technologies of control are already 'there'. So I guess there must be a trade off? (I just clicked 3 on the rating but don't make conclusions on that because I think the function is silly) -Ravi Dar, Uppsala University

Anonymous at 11:13 on 19 Oct 2012

Purely technological [buffering...] approaches like Skype are insufficient [buffering...], indeed!

How do you oberserve and play at the same time? Did you had problems with your fieldwork? Can you observe without playing?

How do you deal with this huge amount of data?? What role play you visualizations?

Anonymous at 09:52 on 19 Oct 2012

Very nice work- the diagram part. Callon as many other ANT theorists acknowledge the necessity to simplify and juxtapose entities and actors according to the point that they are trying to make at a specific point of time. You did the same by focusing on one of the interrelationships. How did you decide to dig deeper to this specific subject? In general-how do we move from complexity (as your very nice diagram described the many entities)to another more "local" complexity?