Talk comments

I thoroughly enjoyed Cal's talk about the five things he wish he'd known before starting PHP. Being a new programmer to PHP, it is overwhelming sometimes to get accomodated to the world of PHP while maintaining competency in other computer languages. Cal gave us a very insightful approach regarding things that he thinks would have helped him when starting out in PHP as a result of all he has learned while being a programmer/developer. He was very approachable, friendly and his presentation was very enjoyable. A must for any person who is looking to get started or has recently started in PHP!

Really wish I'd had this when I started in PHP myself. Lots of good points here.

Wow! Cal really knocked it out of the park. It might have been a PHP 101 class, but I learned tons. Cal's emphasis on community, both how to find help and how to give help back, was excellent. Big thanks to Cal for making this month's PHP another amazing event.