What did you like about this event, and what do you think could be better for the next time? Leave your feedback to help the organizers know what you liked, and what could be improved on.


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Frank Font at 13:48 on 15 Jul 2018

Things I really liked about this conference …

1. Two day conference (fri+sat) but only one day away from work (fri): Makes it much easier to get away from the office without impacting work deadlines!

2. The variety of topics and the quality of the speakers/workshop presenters. Not all about one technology is significant to me.

3. At first the venue struck me as an odd property --- was not clear where to park or where to go for registration. However, the meeting rooms were terrific and the breakfast/lunch/dinner options were pretty good too. Left the event liking the venue.

4. Attendees I met and chatted with were sharp and had interesting life experience to share in the subjects of the technologies were discussing and general workplace and business insights.

Could be improved …

1. The workshop room was far away from all the other speaker rooms; felt disconnected from the event when there.