Talk comments

Implementing Access token based authorization instead of user credentials for APIs was the key part.

Thank you.

Well prepared information, great presentation! And the examples were very clear and easy to understand. I think Slim served well as a framework of choice for the example.

The only think missing for me was testing, but she cleared it out in the questions.

Great talk. I appreciated the OAuth overview. Thanks.

Awesome talk, some great pointers and advise when to change the code examples for production. Looking forward to playing around with the code on GitHub.

Fantastic presentation. I was just researching this data yesterday and noticed you were giving this talk. Great job as always, you are a fantastic speaker.

I like how you laid everything out and made sure to point out that you coded in a way to fit the screen and not how you would do it in production.

I know it's a ton of work, but maybe include some slides with more detail and let us know that there are more full fledged examples to be viewed later.

Thanks for the talk, I enjoyed the more in-depth pieces on OAuth and the different grant types. Thanks!