Talk comments

hi, sorry you didn't like it. It was meant more to give you a rough idea on how to do things and best practices. What would you like to see in a talk like this?


Mi dispiace essere parso annoiato.
Questo è per me un feedback molto importante per migliorare nelle presentazioni, in inglese soprattutto.

Per ciò che concerne la pertinenza alla conferenza, lo scopo era di far vedere che esistono alternative ai solito HDFS per gestire grossi moli di dati.

it will run on Linux, well it already runs on Linux:, I suppose that the MS move to OpenSource .net will speed up the process.

good talk, perhaps the presentation it's to improve but the problem was "REAL" and glusterFS solution is interesting.

I'm a riak newbie but this talk didn't increased my knowledge about riak.

The backup solution it sound's like we don't want to pay basho's solution, in the end if you have a fault tolerant distributed database why you need backups ?

It's always a pleasure when a project owner describes the real "state of the art" of his creature. Thanks.