Talk comments

Anonymous at 11:07 on 14 Feb 2013

missed a little bit of details. how did you choose alpha (step size) in optimization problem. and how did you choose number of cycles for gradient descent ? did you randomly initialized starting points (initial thetas).

did you wrote optimization algorithm in php or did you used sklearn for this.

did you tried SVM and libsvm extension for php ?

but overall it inspiring talk to start with machinelearning

Very well presented, but unfortunately the contents were for MySQL beginners.

A very nice intro to both tehniques that were new to me. Agree with others that actual real world apps built with the tools would have been the icing on the cake.

Liked the hands on introduction to Symfony components with Yolo. Perhaps a bit more info on Silex and its benefits vs. using the full Symfony framework.

Anonymous at 15:29 on 1 Feb 2013

While the talk wasn't new to those working as frontend designers, it definitely was a welcome change in between the technical PHP sessions. Elizabeth is a pleasure to listen to and her presentation style is great. I would go to one of her talks again for sure.

Anonymous at 15:29 on 1 Feb 2013

While the talk wasn't new to those working as frontend designers, it definitely was a welcome change in between the technical PHP sessions. Elizabeth is a pleasure to listen to and her presentation style is great. I would go to one of her talks again for sure.

This would have been a great introduction if time had allowed this to be a real workshop.

The information given was useful and the hands-on approach is very much appreciated. I would have given more 'thumbs', but as I see it I am rating the workshop rather than the speaker. And to call this a workshop it should definitely be a lot longer, a complete day preferably.

Your speaking and interacting style was very fluent, but I 'm dissapointed by the content of the talk. You gave almost no details with the tools you "covered". It was more a list that won 't persuade to use them unless you already are. Looking at previous comments I believe that most commenters already know these tools or most of them.

And I really get that sysadmins and developers should communicate and work together, but you focus too much on this leaving little time to cover some details in other areas of your talk.

Interesting talk, good overview, easy to follow slides. Just one thing, the speaker didn't seem to be very enthousiastic about the topic :)

Clear and easy to understand session. The given examples really helped understanding the SOLID principle!