Talk comments

Was an interesting talk with some interesting revelations. It was a bit of a break from PHP for a session, but I'm not sure if that was good or bad thing - it is good to widen out knowledge, but then we missed out on some PHP learning.

Still wrapping my head around this one. An interesting conclusion, but would love to see some practical examples to see how good it really is.

DI finally explained in a way that makes so much sense. The slides have been useful following the conference as I have been using them for reference to refactor a package of mine. So that's brownie points for the worked examples.

My fear was that it would be just a hard sell of Google's products, but I was pleasantly surprised. It opened my eyes to how different hosting platforms can be, and how important it is to abstract the interaction with the platform. Great example project they took us through.

A great start to the weekend. The split screen worked really well.

Thank you all for your enthousiastic and helpful feedback!

Based on the feedback, I've adjusted the variable colour coding in the slides for future use. Thanks @Barry Parkin, @Jenny Wong, @Iain Cuthbertson

I will also try and better adjust the number of questions to the allotted time for talk. Thanks @Phil Kershaw, @John Cleary, @Chris Anstey, @James Shaw

@Jenny Wong, @Steph Cook, @Qasim Ashraf: Unfortunately it's difficult to adjust slides for conference rooms as most of the time speakers don't know in advance in what type of room the talk will be held.

As mentioned in the talk, the slides will not be made available as that would mean I would not be able to use the same questions again in future versions of this talk. However the video of the complete *will* be made available through the PHPNW website. Hope that helps ;-) @Antonios Pavlakis, @Jenny Wong

Very slick talk, especially for a Sunday morning. Perfectly entertaining, and presented a familiar message in an engaging way. More bacon breaks!

Well presented talk. Although I was familiar with Wireshark, I still got to see a new use for it parsing netstat output. The demo videos worked well and were a neat way of presenting the appearance of a live demo whilst continuing to engage the audience and avoiding the usual live demo technical failures.

This was a really well delivered and entertaining talk. There was a serious topic hidden in there somewhere though, and it was a perfect note on which to end the conference.

The talk did remind me of being back in University a little. A bit more detail about topics would have made it a bit more interesting I think, though I understand that some things can't be talked about. The info about government funding was interesting.

Nevertheless, talks about security are always good to remind everyone of the problems with not caring about security.