The large PHP community in South Florida has organized its seventh annual PHP developer conference in Miami, and you're invited! We will host some of the best speakers, latest technology, and up to date news in the industry. And did we mention it is in Miami, in February? #warm #sunny


Practical Object-Oriented Design Principles
Workshop by Brandon Savage
Pentesting for Developers
Workshop by Chris Cornutt
Confessions Of a Not-So-Accidental Leader
Keynote by Chris Hartjes
The Ten Commandments of Object-Oriented Code
Talk by Brandon Savage
The Sodium crypto library of PHP 7.2
Talk by Enrico Zimuel
Performance optimisation: how do I go about it?
Talk by Kat Zien
Introduction to Serverless PHP
Talk by Rob Allen
PHP Internals for the Inquisitive Developer
Talk by Jeremy Mikola
Dependency Injection for Mere Humans
Talk by Ian Littman
Securing Legacy Applications
Talk by Chris Cornutt
Accessibility for Everyone
Talk by Beth Tucker Long
Swoole 4: Introducing the New Coroutine Design Pattern in PHP
Talk by Demin Yin
Think Like a Trainer: Strategies for Improving Your Communication Skills
Keynote by Olivia Liddell
Xdebug will forever change the way you debug your PHP code
Talk by Tim Bond
Applying SOLID and supercharging your testing suite
Talk by Korvin Szanto
Unlock The Mystery of PHPUnit
Talk by Brian Johnson
Working with Webhooks
Talk by Lorna Mitchell
Dealing With Development Overload
Keynote by David Bisset
Creating a job/queue system from scratch, it’s not that hard
Talk by Doug Steinberg
The Recommendation Engine: A case study on an application of a recommender system
Talk by terry chay
CI/CD for PHP on AWS
Talk by Michael Moussa
Introduction to Event Sourcing + CQRS
Talk by Miro Svrtan
Docker Alphabet Soup
Talk by Dana Luther
Year with event sourcing and CQRS
Talk by Miro Svrtan
Promises and Queues: Using Unlikely Suspects to Handle Asynchronous Parallel Processing
Talk by Jacob Mather