What did you like about this event, and what do you think could be better for the next time? Leave your feedback to help the organizers know what you liked, and what could be improved on.


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Well, what to say.

The conference gained in depth again. The organisation was perfect, as in the last years. The speaker selection was very balanced and provided a good balance. I've caught a lot of insights, better inspirations once more.

The organisation was once more state of the art and there are no negative points. My dear Sensio Team, thank you!

Es ist klasse, was SensioLabsDE hier auf die Beine stellt.
Die Orga, Verpflegung und der Service gesamt sind einsame Spitze!

Zugegeben, es ist meine erste Konferenz überhaupt, aber ich bin sehr beeindruckt.

Vielen Dank und Grüße aus dem Rhein-Main-Gebiet!