1 attended
Host: Boris Hrkic

The last official ViennaPHP Meetup for this year. Don't miss it.

The Vienna PHP is a User Group which tries to gather like-minded developers on a regular basis. We are an active and vibrant community of programmers that has grown up around an affinity for the PHP programming language. Over time we became a community which brings together PHP, Web - software developers, and business people. At our last meeting we had over 50 participants and three speakers.

We organize it over Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/viennaphp/

I would like to invite you to our next event “ ViennaPHP November Gathering ” which will take place on 10th November, Monday, at 18:30 h

There will be free drinks and pizza. The entrance is free.


• "JavaScript for PHP developers" by Daniel Laxar: "JavaScript - a controversial topic among PHP developers. Do you know as much JavaScript as you’d like to know? Or do you know to much already? Lets start with the basics, tinker around a bit with useful code structures and then continue to more advanced techniques. Oh, and have you heard about that “PHP killer” node.js? We’ll have a look at what the **** this is and how it works. Oh and please bring questions so we can have a discussion afterwards."

• "Web Performance Tools: sitespeed.io & perfmap.js" by Michael Kröll: "The web performance tool-chain is evolving at high speed. This talk will present two comparatively new tools currently under development which help identifying web performance quick wins with
little effort. Slides will be in English, talk will be in English or German given audience requirements."

• "Be pragmatic about your testing" by Ali Sharif: "A Mini talk that reflects on testing, including known best practices and approaches. There is no silver bullet, it’s about being pragmatic and deciding what suits given circumstances best. You have TDD, BDD, you have functional, unit and high level testing, you have frontend and backend testing frameworks like jasmine, phpunit, protractor or behat. This talk will not be about how to do it, but how to approach testing in general. Testing in an agile enterprise environment where you only work on a single product can’t be the same as when dealing with multiple projects in a quick changing environment."

Monday, November 10, 2014



Pater- Schwartz-Gasse 11A, 1150
U6 Gumplendorfer Strasse