Talk comments

Goran Galinec at 08:15 on 19 Feb 2020

It was a good talk. I'm happy to see how others are dealing with legacy code.

It was good, the coverage of the topic was deep enough, but not too deep to lose the crowd's attention.

I would like to have a little more examples from the actual real-life situations (or at least cases that would feel really, really relevant to the crowd).

All in all, good presentation. :)

It was obviously some of the first public talks for the speaker and I applaud the courage to step in front of people to deliver a talk!

The talk itself had potential, but it was not fulfilled. Partially to the presentation skills of the presenter where Anka was really quiet and hard to hear if you were in the back half of the room and where she looked a lot at the monitor so there was not so much interaction with the crowd and partially to the not-so-in-depth coverage of the actual topic's title content.

I like the idea Anka tried to send, but I don't think that it got through very effectively. I would like to hear more on how to actually sell these concepts to the management and client as opposed to how to write Behat tests and what's in them.

Either way, I don't think that Anka should stop with this, I would like to hear more about this in a revised state.

Slavko Beslic at 09:27 on 24 Jan 2020

Great talk; had to take a few legacy punches here and there, now I know how to try and strangle them. Thanks