Talk comments

Great talk! I would like to hear more details about the tools used but there wasn't enough time.

Fun and informative

Nino Uzelac at 16:25 on 4 Feb 2018

Amazing talk!

Nino Uzelac at 16:24 on 4 Feb 2018

Interesting overview of CI tools, would like to try some of them now.

Tomo Šala at 16:30 on 26 Jan 2018


It was only after the talk that I've heard people talk about how this was Josip's first talk delivered in English. Sure fooled me!
His diction is clear, vocabulary broad, and manner in which he talks calm and reassuring.

Josip managed to connect with his audience in a way that seemed natural and effortless, masterfully balancing between occasional joke, but delivering it in a manner that ensured him to maintain a constant and firm grasp over audience's full attention.

In regards to the content, Josip did a remarkable job in selecting and filtering out sensitive details pertaining to his company's product, but giving just enough to make the audience crave for more from one slide to the next.

Sharing his experiences of both success and failure, and what he and his team have profited from those kinds of situations transformed this talk into a very valuable lesson to everyone who strives to better their teamwork skills, better themselves as either a developer, PM, project owner, or in the end, simply as a person.

Mario Blažek at 11:42 on 26 Jan 2018

Thank you all for comments, any feedback is appreciated. Btw, I've uploaded slides to

Great talk! I got a good cross-section and comparison of available CI services and code quality tools. Definitely, learned a lot of new things.

Amazing talk, interesting topic, and excellent presentation. I wish if there were more such presentations not only on ZG PHP but on WebCamp and similar conferences also.

Bravo, Josip!

Goran Galinec at 22:41 on 23 Jan 2018

This was a great talk, awesome delivery, everyone was hooked on it (I din't check my phone even once :)).

Goran Juric at 09:53 on 20 Jan 2018

Great and inspiring talk! You should definitively present more often.

Finding out that this was your first talk ever was mind blowing.