Talk comments

A nice overview of the many DB systems out there. Some examples of how to query different databases would help solidify the differences between the systems.

Bruce Green at 09:51 on 21 Oct 2016

Thanks for the presentation Alex. As mentioned in my post to the Meetup group, I thought it would have facilitated things by posting info about the download and where to place it your file structure. I had problems staying connected to the wi-fi network and that put me out of sync with your talk. It was great to have this intro to using PHP in a hardware environment though so thanks again.

Good talk on an interesting and very useful topic! I liked how you didn't assume any expert knowledge of the command line. I also enjoyed that the code you presented was pre-written and you explained step by step what each piece of code did. I think it might have been helpful to have all of your code - even the super easy hello world - in Bitbucket files, which worked so well for some of the later examples. The Arduino demo was very cool, too. Thanks for speaking!

Great code ideas, was well worth my time. Definitely something I am going to work with more to make my routine tasks easier.

Great use of sharing code examples to help demonstrate concepts of how to make use of the CLI with PHP

Excellent talk Alex! A great combination of presentation and tutorial. I really liked the IOT demo!

This talk sparked a lot of great conversations! Thank you so much for giving it! The one suggestion I have is that I'd like to see the talk focused more on ways the audience can get involved rather than on background or behind-the-scenes information. For example, the information on building the app for Chins Up was interesting, but seemed off-topic. It would be great to wrap the talk up with a reminder of the best ways to get involved so the audience leaves with a clear mission.

Great talk! I appreciated the use of diverse women in stock photography. I learned a lot about the mentorship opportunities available in Madison and I have a lot to think about hiring practices!

Derek Binkley at 03:28 on 15 Jun 2016

Even though I have seen this talk before it was helpful to see it again now that I am actively working on submitting to a CFP. I definitely learned something useful that helped me in my talk preparations.

Bruce Green at 09:37 on 13 Jun 2016

How to Speak at a Conference provided useful information, delivered by an experienced speaker. From academic tips on content preparation to practical advice on stage presence and audience empathy, this presentation covered all the bases. With slide content available online, this talk will be a valuable resource.