Talk comments

Really great presentation - you are pretty good speaker :) I learned some new things, great overview of HHVM :)

Good amount of information covered, thankfully I know much of how the Doctrine ORM works so it was familiar & I was able to get something out of it (the L2 Cache is especially interesting), but I do worry that people who are totally unaware of ORMs / Doctrine may have gotten lost, but I guess that is for them to say :) Either way, very interesting stuff, definitely going to look into this, hopefully it will be supported in DoctrineORMModule soon ;)

Stefan is a great speaker, enthusiastic and delivered good information about HHVM/Hack. Much of this I knew already, but it was good to re-visit and maybe inspire me to dabble a bit more in Hack :)

The talk was interesting to learn about a lesser-known "competitor" in the PHP interpreting world, so much talk about HHVM and PHP 7 that it is good to see other options are out there.

The delivery was a little chaotic, but I think it mostly got the message across :)

Anonymous at 22:51 on 20 Sep 2014

I thought that it will be more in-depth about the RabbitMQ but you mostly talked about logging in general which I think 95% of the people there knew everything about. That was kind of disappointing. However everything else was good so I don't regret hearing you out :-)

Realy funny and informative talk.

I very much liked the very frank feedback on benchmarking issues and how optimising for benchmarks is a useless but necessary part of creating such a technology.

I like the technology, regret that it is not addressing yet Composer and Symfony. But I will keep track of the progress and I wish lots of success to the project.