I really enjoyed the talk. The object calisthenics rules made a lot of sense. I feel like trying them, because they seem like easy and concrete things to do. The speaker was also very entertaining.
Very clear. I actually wanted to go code when you finished
Great talk delivered well. Vibrant, funny, interesting and conveyed the concepts brilliantly.
Awesome talk, thank you!
I can only agree with the other comments.
Great talk and you have talent to speak in front of a crowd.
I'm certainly going a mission now!
Entertaining and thought provoking!
"Avoid else" was an interesting (and controversial point) - similar to "return early" - which alone is a good take away to producing simpler code.
Really a great talk!
Funny, and entertaining - and love the rules.
Will try apply the last of them, I'm not currently using.
Awesome talk! Really a good introduction into this very important topic.
Great Talk. Let me rethink about my coding styles.