José's talks are always interesting to listen to.
Very novel way of implementing an API using CakePHP. Fantastic talk!
Interesting talk on the new features of PHP 7. Thanks for the part about static analysis tools: nice topic to keep an eye on in the future.
Very valuable overview of background processing, with a special eye on CakePHP shells.
Basic, but not trivial. Much interesting.
Good talk covering the upgrade process and core changes from PHP 5 -> PHP 7.
Great talk of the subject (in general) and some nice insights on how to use it CakePHP. Also thanks for the Rundeck tip.
Great talk which covered lots. Delivered a little too quickly for me, I'm not sure I'll remember everything! Great that the slides are already available online though.
An interesting talk about the topics with some ideas which I had not thought of before. Time to re-evaluate my queues and automating thier management.
Lots of real world code you can use to implement an API in Cake.