Talk in English - US at CascadiaPHP 2024
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Multnomah Falls
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They say time is a cruel mistress and any developer that has worked with dates and times will most likely agree. In this session, we'll discuss important concerns and gotchas when working with time as well as how to best handle time in PHP-based web applications.
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Great talk. Thanks
A good amount of basic information, with some sage advice for dealing with time information in our codebases.
Let's of great examples with practical real world usage. Really enjoyed the history before jumping into code.
I loved this! I love getting outside the PHP first - really fun facts, very engaging.
A great introduction into a topic very dear to me. While I am not 100% on board with some of the statements it was a great introduction and highlighted the main pain-points and, most importantly to me, that those aren't technical problems but man made ones.