Talk comments

Enjoyed the presentation, Chris was able to persuasively present the principles of BASE as an effective alternative to ACID with some generic examples.

As someone who has not looked at Azure or other cloud offerings, John's presentation was extremely beneficial. He stayed on topic and provided some great information.

Todd was able to give a broad overview of the capabilities of HTML5 and handled the equipment problems in stride. Enjoyed the presentation and felt it was time well spent.

A really great introduction to CouchDB. Although I am not a Grails user, though I do use Groovy, the presentation was enough to whet my appetite. So what did I do? Download and compile CouchDB of course!

A good talk, though I would have liked a few more specifics and perhaps some demonstration or visibles.

Good presentation Shuck. Learned a couple of useful things here. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad the presentation was informative.

Hmm.. Edit doesn't actually edit or delete - just creates a new entry. Now that I'm listed as the speaker for this talk, I don't *have* to rank my session to post comments. Oh well.

Dear gutsy ANONYMOUS - for anyone interested - I do in fact give full credit for all of my images used in my talk - they have always been in that deck, the last three slides are all image credits.

Also - I've posted my thoughts and what I learned from this day on my blog.

While it's never fun being heckled - we've made up and their are no hurt feelings. Thanks to every one that came to my talk!

Anyone reading the comments can tell by the consistency of your writing skills and your responses that this anonymous is one guy. SQL Azure was not even part of the talk. How is that constructive crticism? Dude if you have the guts name yourself. I am disowning the talk and it is on you now. You've made this forum as one of your personal playing fields rather than helping the Dallas Tech fest organization.