Talk comments

surprised me with some things, found I need to change my perspective

Thanks Scott, I found you talk really interesting. I guess more relevant to the US but still good information to consider.

Nice insider perspective on head hunting. I wish my head hunter was more like him.

Probably a bit too US-centric in the details but lots of great info overall.

Thanks, Scott, for being so direct and honest. Recruiters are across the board when it comes to integrity and hearing the straight dirt is valuable. So is hearing what you're looking for. That makes it easier for us to write winning resumes!

Thank you for that really enlightening talk!

Very helpful and simplified. will definitely refer to the presentation in my writing

Thanks Liz, this will get me blogging about the things I find fixes for that no one is talking about.

I appreciated your humor, and shit slides :p

Always inspiring, recommended for everyone thinking about participating in the community

Always inspiring, recommended for everyone thinking about participating in the community