Each year we meticulously vet and select remarkable speakers to deliver the best talks on web development. Whether it’s Frontend, Backend, DevOps or Mobile that you care about, join us to learn about the most modern practices and techniques. A truly 360° conference!

DEVit is the leading web developer conference in South East Europe - on May 20th and 21st in Thessaloniki, Greece. Organized once per year, DEVit has become known for its top speaking talent, a mixture of world-class and world-renowned developers, highly specialized technology niches and developers who are the edge of the technology frontiers.

The attendees of the conference are the most highly trained and most motivated web developers, representing the cream of the crop in talent South East Europe has to offer. DEVit, now in its third year, has become the defacto meeting point of all seasoned web development professionals.

DEVit is organised by the non-profit, local communities: SKGTech (http://skgtech.io) and SHESHARP (http://www.shesharp.org/). The whole organization and operations are being performed during our free time with a vision to promote, empower and educate the technological talent, something everyone stands to benefit from.

We invite you to submit a proposal to lead conference sessions @ DEVit 2017.

Proposals should include as much detail as possible about the topic and format for the presentation. Vague and overly broad proposals don’t showcase your skills and knowledge, and our volunteer reviewers aren’t mind readers. The more you can tell us, the more likely the proposal will be selected.

Topics we’re on the lookout for DEVit 2017:
• AWS, GCP, API Design, Microservices, Containers, CI/CD, Infra as Code

• ASP.NET, PHP7, RoR, Java, Redis, Scala, Elixir, NoSQL databases

• Firebase, Cross Platform Mobile Development, React Native, Ionic

• React, Vue, Web performance, Chrome Platform APIs, Webpack, SPA, Templating, MVC