A great talk!
Thanks for citing the different standards that make life so much easier as we don't need to invent the wheel (again)
Great content and definitely worth hearing for every developer.
Still in my opinion the talk would gain from more clear distinctions like between charset and encoding or character and codepoint.
Great talk with certainly things we all need to improve. Thank you for this.
Good talk in a very hard subject. Great introduction so I finally know what people are talking about when they talk about Haskell.
Fun crazy talk nicely explained. Created a lot of points of discussion afterwards.
I loved the way Sebastian introduced the subject in a clear way and then went full on into a follow along real work example. Super practical advice and takeaways that developers can use today. Great stuff.
A very clear introduction to PSR-14, the history of the working group and why everyone should be moving towards using the standard. Only wish we could have had more time, I could have listened to Larry all afternoon.
Great introduction to GraphQL. I would have liked to have seen more concrete examples or demos during the presentation.
I've seen yagni, but never knew it had a name. Presented in a good way, and to the point.
One thing I did notice was the image where you added the lines.I just read up a bit on Yagni and found out why those lines aren't there in the original image: It's because it only talks about the extra cost! For example: With the right feature build wrong, you don't have the original as an extra cost, the only extra cost is the repair.
Hope you work on the presentation a bit more, and I would recommend to put 'You Aren't Gonna Need It' in the title next time, since I never heard about YAGNI before.
Great overview of why and how exceptions can make life easier for a developer. Thank you for that.
But sometimes it felt like you where a bit confused by the slides. I was also a bit confused when you started converting an ORM Exception to null. Perhaps an example that doesn't throw exceptions at the beginning might help reduce confusion here.