Talk comments

Tim Wiitanen at 12:13 on 20 Jul 2018

Very good presentation. Some of the subject matter seems so obvious until you realize it's not something you would think of until someone pointed it out. It applies not just to wordpress. It's critical thinking.

Beth gave a solid presentation.

An excellent talk and discussion about how to investigate and secure a site after it has been hacked in addition to great advice on how to prevent a hack (as much as possible).
Beth always does a great job speaking and is very personable. I learned a lot and even picked up some new bash tricks!
Thank you for coming to Appleton and sharing your knowledge and experience!

As a translator/localizer, I am only tangentially affected by the ADA (monolingualism *can* be a disabling in certain contexts), but my clients certainly are. It was very interesting to learn about the regulations, expectations, and the technical issues. Great presentation, Dylan!

An excellent delve into making websites compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the different kinds of ratings involved with that.
Dylan gave a great discussion of main areas of focus, tasks any webmaster can do to make their website more accessible and demonstrated tools to assist with accessibility and to check your work to see if it was successful.
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with the group!

Philipp gave an excellent talk on how the translation industry works and how we as PHP developers can use translation services, and what mistakes to look out for when adding multiple languages to a website.
He also gave an overview of some PHP technologies that can help manage multiple languages on a website, including Typo3 and several Wordpress plugins.
Thank you very much Philipp for sharing your knowledge and helping me to understand a topic that I previously knew nothing about!

Hugh at 06:55 on 11 May 2017

Good mix of theory, info, and practical examples.