Hi @Cesare, absolutely it was not a criticism but an observation on the correlation between importance and 'greatness' of the topics of the talk and the time spent in it.
The presentation was great, also the speaker and as always you, of the Grusp, who do a great job!
@Stefano the issue was with the rendering of the schedule on the website, so it's the conference's fault (i.e. mine - Cesare); I had hoped that the "25 min" in the title would have made it clear enough that this would have been a 25-minute talk. I put a 50-min and 25-min talks side by side in the same 1-hour slot to ease access to lunch for all attendees - this way the big group was split in 2, with no long queues. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I'll try my best to make things clearer next time.
Good talk, good speaker, fluent talk... but there have been few examples, and 25min. is very few compared to the 60min. of the schedule
A rough overview of the more or less obscure, and more or less known webpack points ... sometimes the attention could be shown at the top
nothing to say ... when you can better understand how to best use a new technology, you just have to thank
Francesco is an excellent speaker with an inspiring talk about a very crucial part of frontend application. The points have been explained linearly, with good and exhaustive examples
Covered all hooks types, supported by well structured slide and example of pre/post hooks! :) good start point for migrating, if needed, statefull component to hook.
Interesting talk supported by a long live coding session... good rhythm for non a simple arguments! good!
Thanks for having me!
Slidedeck: https://noti.st/cedmax/Ghgrfx/react-refactoring-off-the-hook-s
Repo: https://github.com/cedmax/colours/tree/refactoring-talk/
One of the best talks at the conference, really liked the live-coding session