Talk comments

Luca Fabbri at 12:56 on 15 May 2019

Nice journey on open source history and current status. Interesting topics.

Luca Fabbri at 12:55 on 15 May 2019

Second time for me seeing Liu talking about Elm, but always a pleasure.
This guy is gifted in keeping attention while presenting very funny slides, but always teaching stuff.

Luca Fabbri at 12:53 on 15 May 2019

The topic could be really interesting but there were too much stuff inside, so the presentation were really fast.
Animations of slides didn't helped.

Luca Fabbri at 12:51 on 15 May 2019

Best talk in the whole conference: it shown a real technology that everybody must keep an eye on, with a very interesting live demo and inspects on build and libraries.
Really well done.

Luca Fabbri at 12:50 on 15 May 2019

Nice talk, although I was expecting more on PWA while he shown a lot of (interesting) HTML5 APIs not strictly related.
It's a 3/5 talk rate, but the final live examples with Bluetooth raised the final vote.

Luca Fabbri at 12:48 on 15 May 2019

This talk didn't go deeply in coding, but it named a huge amount of OS products and technologies for a full stack IoT.

John Doe at 12:46 on 15 May 2019

Neither an expert on talks nor on react ... but the talks didn't trigger my curiosity, attention level dropped minutes by minutes.

Some suggestion:
Annoying animations in the slides.
Code examples were too fast.
Too flat tone of voice.
Missing mixing between funny parts and tech parts to ease tension and stimulate audience's focus level.

Don't take it personally, I really appreciate who gives talks.

Luca Fabbri at 12:45 on 15 May 2019

Let me say that the argument is probably not simple at all, but as a guy who don't know anything of Evolutionary Architecture I did not understand most of it. Apart some good comparison between evolution and programming, the talk was too generic in my opinion, not technical detail has been given.

Luca Fabbri at 12:42 on 15 May 2019

Mantione has super-power on presenting modern and always on top technologies. Keynotes are not easy so sometimes the presentation suffered a little, but it clearly shown us the future.

Luca Fabbri at 12:40 on 15 May 2019

This talk started slowly and I was unsure where it would lead us (slides didn't helped a lot) but in the second half it became very interesting.
I liked how the speaker has been honest on how much JS on mobile can be paintful. In the end the Final Message and Warnings were spread on the audience.

I can only suggest to review slides a little and rework the initial part.