Talk comments

Please let us know where you got all those GIFs!! Excellent talk, I like the stress about type safety and letting the type system help us. Go ahead.

Good introduction, but from the perspective of a newcomer both to F# that to the Actor Model, I didn't got the benefits of both (although I'm sure there are). Too much code and too little concepts.

I found his story about how he found a job in FP very inspiring. Good job!

The fix point operator is always fascinating ;)

Awesome slides, domain modelling, entertaining presentation, property based testing, practical applications of propostions as types… I lost track of the good stuff in this talk and again, it’ll be well worth grabbing a copy of the video to show to non-functional programmers to explain why we rant about all these things. Clément Delafargue rounded out my day nicely.

Entertaining and very informative introduction to Rust – plenty of good stuff to trigger ideas and look into in the future.

A good solid introduction to, Akka and the actor model in general. Solid presentation, some really nice demos and a lot to go away and look up about supervision and routing…

Riccardo is touring Europe and presenting this talk in a number of different places including Prague, London, and probably others. Check it out if you get a chance.

Like the initial keynote, this talk would have been worth the price of admission alone. A different and fascinating approach to solving the Expression Problem in OCaml using polymorphic union case constructors. I can’t wait for the video of this one to contrast and compare the details of the technique with Active Patterns in F# – two totally different solutions to the same problem.