Topic was a bit left field, and unfortunately content and delivery was only passable. Sorry Ben :(
Interesting talk, very nice presentation.
I think I would have found more value in a talk about tools which are used with Laravel, but not part of the Laravel brand: composer, rocketeer, cartalyst packages, etc. That may have had more values to people who have followed Laravel closely.
General speaker stuff: the font was a little hard to read sometimes. Nice recovery from the nerves at the end.
Although you mentioned it wasn't going to be a sales talk, the first half of the talk kind of felt like one, including the prices etc. Perhaps a shorter overview would have been better. The second part, about community, felt a bit rushed. This is too bad, because as you said yourself, that was the most important part. I understand from the comments it was because of the late start, but because of the interaction with Shawn, it seemed your were well over your time limit.
Thanking other contributors was nice (thanks for mentioning me!), but can be dangerous because others can feel left out..
Great talk! It seems I'm part of the minority that actually likes working with javascript next to php. I loved your take on it!
Accept JS christ as your lord and savior!
Really nice talk from Ben. Interesting and funny.
A really strong talk on an important topic. It suffered terribly from a lack of pictures of Matt's kid, but was otherwise a solid choice.
In a longer format, it might benefit from a practical exercise or two on being empathetic.
General speaker stuff: good slides, good speaking, appropriate amount of movement, no excess filler words.
Good job.
The talk in itself wasn't bad at all. Sure Dries was nervous, but most of us would be just as or more nervous in his place.
I do think that the content was mostly interesting for newbies or managers and not so much for experienced Laravel developers.
But don't worry about it, just keep doing talks and it will improve quickly.
I know I personally would not have been able to do it half as good
Very inspiring talk, I agree that the world would be a much better place if everyone took your advice to heart.
I'm struggling to sit through this one :(