Talk comments

I've freelanced before myself and I could find myself in a lot of what you said. It's not always easy. I think you did great by sharing your experiences. Will definitely share the video with people I know who run their own business.

Anonymous at 16:54 on 25 Aug 2015

Well done, important information.

on Keynote

Awesome keynote. A very relevant topic in this time. Voiced all of my own opinions of the subject. Will definitely recommend the video when it comes out!

on Keynote

Awesome talk! May have worked slightly better in an earlier time slot but that's no reflection on the presentation or content. Nailed it!

Anonymous at 16:46 on 25 Aug 2015

A lot of sense out of this. And with humor. Can't ask for more than that.

on Keynote

Great talk. Excellent delivery. Handled live coding flawlessly

Great talk. As always, lots of energy and good delivery!

Michael Csáki at 15:59 on 25 Aug 2015

Great talk. imo. Really cool introduction to react.js makes you wanna test it right away!!

Anonymous at 15:56 on 25 Aug 2015

Dries mainly read bullet-points, ran way too long and seemed to ignore the organizer’s pleas to come to an end.

Andrew Westrope at 15:51 on 25 Aug 2015

Little too 'heavy' for the time slot, for me anyway! Maybe make the code screenshots bigger. Enjoyed the intro!