Maybe you’re the only coder on a project. Maybe you’re on a small team and carrying the majority of the server knowledge. For one reason or another, there are times when if we don’t setup our own deploy process, there simply isn’t one. No one wants the headaches that come from a my-machine[s] to production direct deploy process, so let’s go a step better with Jenkins and Github or Gitlab.

This talk will walk you through setting up a Jenkins server to deploy your staging changes and master merges with all the tests and checks you need to avoid those “oops” moments ever going live.


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Daniel Kadosh at 14:26 on 21 Apr 2018

Nice detailed how-to suitable for managing a small project -- Use Jenkins deploy 1 instance of a web server to a cloud server. Not trivial to extrapolate on how to augment if you're using dockers.

John Taylor at 14:39 on 21 Apr 2018

The most amazing step by step talk I have ever seen!

The intension of the speaker was to present a lot of very useful information regarding how to implement continuous development with the help of Jenkins. A lot of material was covered, aiming at presenting a comprehensive all-round solution. However I think that's exactly where the problem was: The format of the talk (50 min regular session) did not fit the scale of the material. Although the speaker undoubtedly has the ability to present it in a very high pace (the first question after the talk was "Do you breathe?"), even finishing 6-7 minutes ahead of schedule, unfortunately I was unable to follow all the way through.

I started with the idea to execute each step along the process, which is my own mistake, I guess. I failed epically. The idea of the talk and the material are perfect for a 2-3 hour tutorial that I would love to attend some day.

Otherwise, I'd like to state that she is a good speaker and has the ability to communicate well with the audience.

John Taylor at 15:39 on 21 Apr 2018

Responding to Mihail below, I am the one who asked "Do you breathe?". I think the pace was acceptable - given the slides will be posted, and one can try the process on their own. Margaret also offered her contact info for questions. So I am confident that one could replicate what was presented.

Al Bunch at 15:45 on 21 Apr 2018

This was a pretty linear presentation of how to install and configure a Jenkins solution on a Digital Ocean droplet. Margaret knew her subject matter well enough to answer most of the questions asked, she was also quick, clear, concise, and had a nice sense of humor.

Concise, clear and uh, rapid. A big part of how we devs learn is by simply going through the experience, and Margaret's talk compressed what would otherwise be a dull multiple-hours process into an entertainingly humorous 40 minutes. It would have been nice to have time for questions inline with the talk (I had a couple during the talk, but Margaret apparently did not notice my hand up; maybe others did too?) instead of saving all questions for the end. Also, if this is "CD with Laravel" it might be worthwhile to address Forge and Envoyer, which are quite commonly used in the Land of Laravel.

John Vernier at 16:11 on 21 Apr 2018

I enjoyed Margaret's talk. There was a lot of material covered, but fortunately she's provided the slides for us to be able to go back and replicate what she demoed post-conference.

Bill Condo at 17:53 on 21 Apr 2018

Incredible amount of content in a short talk. I look forward to reviewing the slides and putting this into service!

The speaker had a lot of personality and was clearly very passionate but I was hoping to get some real insight into why you would use Jenkins and why it's a good choice for Laravel rather than a command-by-command tutorial on how to set Jenkins up using Laravel as an example framework.