Great interaction.... More time on code snippets would be helpful
This is an interesting topic and a completely different way of thinking about putting together PHP. I appreciate the suggested reading at the end of the presentation.
My one wish of the talk is that more time was spent on each slide so that I could better follow the code examples.
The physical message passing is functions as a demonstration and ice breaker getting folks in a talk to interact. Brilliant.
Mentioned the concept of "cache warming" but didn't name it. Help your participants build their vocabulary.
Brett did a great job explaining serverless and how to transition a large monolithic application to make use of serverless technology. Using foxycart development helped in understanding the concepts.
Kat introduced optimization in an organized and easy to understandable manner.
Very good comparison between using a framework and not. Valuable information to those who create brand new sites and have the freedom to make that choice.
Enjoyable and worthwhile!!!!
Alena does a great job of presenting everything. This talk, in particular, was review for many in the audience and she did an awesome job answering audience questions in the midst of the talk.
I really loved that she asked one of her friends to take notes and she would tell him places where she needed to expand topics or make corrections.
Not quite the presentation I was thinking it would be (silly me, I should learn to read abstracts better). Still, great personality, and great presentation on general OO terminology and I wish I had had a presentation like this when I was starting out.
The kind of talk that keeps your head nodding the whole time because it's full of so many truths.
I really enjoyed the "This is a talk about..." slides throughout the talk, as it served as a constant reminder why inclusiveness is so crucial.