Talk comments

I enjoyed this talk on PHP Unit especially the depth to which Bastian covered Assertion and Annotations. Looking forward to harness my test suites with this newly gained insight into PHPUnit.

A fine talk on building restful API's. David asked the audience in the class to define the requirements and then went on to build these API's on the fly. He was in "full flow" on his laptop writing PHP snippets with great fervor while the audience gaped in astonishment! This demonstrates the depth of his knowledge and the versatility of frAPI.

it was clear and useful and i wud appreciate if i cud have the presentation.

tat was a wonderful and great presentation and worth it.


It was awesome presentation, you got lot of talents buddy.. keep rocking. All the best.

I think many of the developers who thinks unit testing is done by testers or who feel there is not need for unit testing may have thought or have got a chance to look phpunit , simpletest or something like that.
I also feel he may have even wondered seeing no hands when he asked about many of you do unit testing.( He also expressed it. The only one hand was by the leader of symfony framework Fabien )
I enjoyed his talk and it helped me to know more other than the assertEquals and assertTrue.

Thanks for your great time in India and helping me with my doubts.

He is a good teacher and always happy to help anyone. Great examples and demo's made his talk awesome .

Hey David Coallier ,
You have done a wonderful work introducing PHP 5.3 . It was awesome , but I know you have more in your hands to tell us. I have loved if those guys have given you more time than for Microsoft guys. We PHP developers were with open-source and also it was an open-source conference than a properitery Microsoft Azure conference :P .
When Nate tweeted you was coming with Lithium , I thought you will be going much deeper with it . It was good and you rocks man. I know every one who have seen your presentation and knows something about PHP have loved you and the way you presented it .

Thanks once again for the great slides and your presence .

It was nice and informative presentation by Sonali at OSIdays today. Eagerly waiting for the slides to be uploaded.

I am happy to know about this nice cool tool to replace phpmyadmin. In my machine a search thru phpmyadmin took some 5-6 secs. Got result for the same search in less than 2 secs. That was great.
I enjoyed Mr.Jakub Vrana 's presentation very much.