before all the end of year celebrations we have one more meetup in store for you.

Wednesday 20th December 2017

20:00 Atoum: introduction and discovering
Talk by Van Belle Jonathan (Grummfy) (45 minutes)

In the PHP world, when you speak about unit testing, everybody will say PHPUnit. But there is some alternative. One of them is atoum. During the talk, we will discover it. Try to understand some of it's specificities and why you should use it. You will discover the simplicity and the accuracy inside unit testing. Even if you already know atoum, you will discover some news. Speaker: Grummfy, also known as Jonathan Van Belle is a passionate man. He mainly work inside the PHP environment and contribute to several open source project by code, documentation or idea. He love promoting the knowledge sharing inside teams and the usage of quality tools inside the developing practices. Nowadays he mainly contribute to atoum ( where he manage the documentation. He is also a contributor to hoa ( In his work he is act as team leader & mentor.

Technically DDD
Talk by Pim Elshoff (45 minutes)

You might have heard of Domain Driven Design. You may have heard DDD is a tool to write readable and change-ready code. You may have even heard DDD comes with a lot of talking, and modelling, and customers... Starting with DDD sounds big, and scary, doesn't it? But getting started is not scary! Come find out what DDD can do for your code, tomorrow. We'll use value objects, entities and services to bring order to our mind and code. We'll see how naming things can guide us, but also trick us. We'll rework a piece of code together and improve what it means. And tomorrow you can tell your peers that, technically, you're doing DDD.