Talk comments

Great step-by-step digging into the reasons for DI and profits of it. Slides were informative, the code was self-explainatory and easy to understand.

Great talk with dynamic slides and good experience on the background.

The speech should be good for people, who want to work with logs a bit wiser.

Sven, you've shown examples of the logs collecting configuration, but not the metrics configuration. I think adding some examples of the very basic triggers comfiguration in the tool you prefer will give your talk greater call to action effect. For example, you may show how to configure trigger that catches fatals from logs.

JWT were explained from the very beginning to the the practical usage. The speech was easy to listen and understand, the examples and slides were great.

Sven Finke at 19:13 on 19 May 2017

A really awesome talk / quiz. Many interesting and obscure things about PHP that I did not know or did not remember.

Un bon aperçu d'un usage de neo4j en lien avec l'actualité, intéressant!

Idée originale, Prez bien cadrée, demo réussie et parlante, limites du truc abordées … tout bon

Un bon moment dans la joie et bonne humeur, les mains sont occupées et ça aide le cerveau à assimiler les concepts. Réussi.

Bel exemple de politique de release et problématiques qa associées