Talk comments

Même si parfois cela manquait un peu de continuité, retour fort intéressant et instructif. Et surtout un retour empli d'espoir pour les cas qui n'en ont pas

Merci pour ce talk intéressant, coherant et clair

Working live coding *yay*
So PHP has a lot of the Rails goodies as well, you just need to find them — so this talk was a great introduction.

For me this talk took too much for granted. I would have benefited from some background information, like not only saying we're using X in this situation, but also some background how X works (yes, diagrams would have helped) and probably why Y and Z wouldn't work in this situation.

Great overview of the history and future of MySQL — highlighting better and lesser known new features and improvements. I think the main take-away is that MySQL is not a second class citizen under Oracle's ownership, but that it's progressing faster than ever.

Great overview how all the bits and pieces of a good infrastructure fit together. What I liked most, was that for each step there was a list of possible solutions (for example build servers) and then the specification: "We're using Jenkins".

Anonymous at 17:55 on 12 May 2015

La présentation était un peu légère techniquement, mais s'est concentrée sur les aspects humains - c'est un vrai retour d'expérience ! C'est un peu dommage de ne pas avoir donné plus de détails techniques, dans la mesure où on sent que tu connais bien ton sujet !
Tes slides étaient agréables et ta performance de conférencier vraiment bonne pour une première conf' !